Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Fiddling Whilst Rome Burns

Despite that fact that the Euro and the members of the Eurozone are in financial freefall, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has urged the EU to "complete the project of monetary union".

Hungary (which is not in the Eurozone) managed to add fuel to the fire by stating (via a senior politician) that it was near-bankrupt, the Euro is so mistrusted by the markets that this announcement caused it to fall further.

As if this was not enough, talks between President Sarkozy of France and Angela Merkel (the German Chancellor) have been postponed.

David Cameron will tell the EU, albeit very politely, to "fark off" wrt the request by the little known lightweight president of the EU (Herman Van Rompuy) to see the UK's budget before it is presented to parliament.

The Euro is destined to become a failed experiment, whether the IMF and certain Euro lightweights like it or not.


  1. Ken
    "David Cameron will tell the EU, albeit very politely, to "fark off" wrt the request by the little known lightweight president of the EU (Herman Van Rompuy) to see the UK's budget before it is presented to parliament."

    Are you sure?


  2. John B Stryge4:54 PM

    David Cameron is shaping up nicely to win the next Vidkun Quisling Award. BBC gleefully reports that all the vassal states will give their budgets for pre-scrutiny. The UK's dispensation is to hit the button when the Chancellor sits down - a likely story.

    So all the begging bowl states and the so well managed pigs will get to comment on the UK budget. There seems no point in that unless they can influence (dictate?) the content.
